Psalm 18. Verses 4 – 6 read
The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: The snares of death prevented me. In my distress, I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
As believers, we owe it a duty to follow hard after God out of our own volition. Notwithstanding, there are occurrences of life that compel men to pursue God. In today’s text, David recounts some situations that left him with no option but to call unto God. Where men fail to follow God based on the teaching of the word of God, they sometimes have to learn through challenging situations. Other times, challenging situations come as tests that precede our elevation. Get in touch with us for The Quest For GOD (Part 14) program
David outlines some of the challenging situations he endured and overcame as follows:
- The sorrows of death encompassed him. In other words, he could literally feel the presence of the spirit of death all around him.
- The flood of ungodly men made him afraid. He had to bear with a multitude of wicked men pursuing him, and this put him to fear. David had to bear with the pursuit of King Saul and his army for years.
- The sorrows of hell encompassed him. Hell symbolizes torment, which causes pain and agony. David had to bear with this.
- And also, the snares of death prevented him. However, David could feel the cords of death tied around him with no room for escape.
These situations typify great danger, which puts men in a state of helplessness with no one to assist except the Lord. For this reason, David called upon the LORD and cried unto him. This was a desperate call, which was based on the relationship he had developed with the Lord prior to the time of the test. God’s ears are open to the cry of his covenant children, so the Lord heard David’s voice out of his temple.
Beloved, the cry of a covenant child sounds loud in the ears of the Heavenly Father, and the Father runs to the rescue of the child of God. As a result, the Lord brings men out of their desperate situations. To sum up, may our challenging times be to us opportunities to develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with God.
SHALOM 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏