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Psalm 107. Verses 23 & 24 read:

They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep.

Yesterday, we established that the quest for God involves engagements of deep calls between God and man through the agency of the Holy Spirit. In this engagement, the Holy Spirit takes the mysteries of God whose seasons of earthly manifestation are due and places them within the reach of men with longing hearts, thereby positioning them to participate in God’s agenda on earth. The attitude men demonstrate in their engagement with God determines the measure of mysteries they can draw on and the divine moves they can experience.

Believers must consistently press into deeper engagement with God. They must “go down to the sea in ships” and “do business in the deep.” Going down as used in today’s text is an act of the will. It is a choice we must make. All creatures have their God-given habitats where they are comfortable. The sea is not the normal habitat of men. It is an unfamiliar habitat for humans. Indeed, the sea can be seen as the domain of God’s supernatural operations. Psalms 77 verse 19 confirms this as follows:

Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy footsteps are not known.

The quest for God must draw men into the realm of God’s operations, which has been described as the deep or great waters. No matter how risky venturing into such an “alien” territory may seem, it is the place of divine encounters. Scripture says that men who launch deep into God see the works of the LORD, the supreme ruler over all things. They also see his wonders or mysteries in the deep. In this way, men with deep craving for God make what is hidden in God evident for mortals to see and give glory to the Almighty One. Beloved, the deep and great waters are beckoning to men. Let us step into the realm of God by faith, as did Peter when he appropriated the words of Jesus and walked upon water just like Jesus Christ. Sadly, many people stay in the comfort zones of their boats and are not ready to test the deep waters. They, therefore, miss out on the spectacular experiences of the deep. Beloved, the experience in great waters is a privilege that God offers all believers. We can not afford to waste this opportunity in our lifetime.

SHALOM 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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