Faith, Hope, Love: Our Guiding Principles. Our Articles






Psalm 86:15 reads:

” But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.”

We are commencing with a new series on the all-important subject of compassion. Compassion was a key feature in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. In his dealings with men, he exhibited the heart of compassion, which reveals the very heart of the Heavenly Father. Jesus’ life provided a pattern of how the many sons of God who were to come after him should conduct themselves. Unfortunately, today’s believers seem to have missed out on the virtue of compassion. The result is that we are insensitive to the plight of men and are unable to impact the world as expected. There is, therefore, the need to rekindle the flame of compassion in today’s believers and in the church of Jesus Christ as a whole. Apostle Paul rightly said in Romans 8 verse 19 that:

For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.

It is in the revelation of the sons of God that the expression of compassion will be fully restored. Creation can not wait to see this happen. Life is a great opportunity God offers men to improve the lot of others. As men, we must adopt the principles and values taught by God’s word to achieve this purpose. Every engagement of ours must come with a life-enhancing impact on those we encounter. One critical but often neglected value, essential for impacting other lives, is a heart filled with compassion.

Compassion is the aspect of God’s love that identifies with the mishaps, helplessness, or failings in other lives and goes ahead to extend a hand to turn around those conditions. A heart that is filled with compassion makes us relevant in addressing the challenges of our world. It is essential for the positive transformation of men. A heart of compassion will stoop down to the level of a fellowman’s predicament and lift him to the level of victory. Men filled with compassion are restless until they find solutions to the problems of others. Whatever we have compassion for, we are most likely to have answers to.

From today’s text, we see God as being full of compassion. In His compassion, he identifies and extends forgiveness and blessings unto men. It is God’s will that men will not only be recipients of his compassion, but we will also become conduits of flow of this compassion unto fellowmen. Compassion is that soft touch of the core of a man’s being, which even hardened men can not resist. Where compassion fills the human heart, God’s touch of love is activated, and the lives of the beneficiaries of compassion are turned around for the better. As we live each and every day, may we be channels of expression of the world transforming spirit of compassion.

SHALLOM 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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