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Matthew 9:36 reads:

“But when he saw the multitudes, he was m oved with compassion for them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”

In developing the subject of compassion, it is expedient that we focus on the life of Jesus Christ. He was a perfect model of a life lived by the power of compassion. He couldn’t have impacted the world the way he did if he did not go the way of compassion. From today’s text, we realize that Jesus saw things in an entirely different way from other men of his generation. Jesus wore the lenses of compassion and, therefore, could see beyond the facade men put up to cover their true state. He always saw things from God’s perspective. This was the outcome of his deep acquaintance with God and God’s operations.

Most men are superfluous in viewing things. Due to self-centeredness, they become oblivious to the ailments and distresses in the souls of the people around them. Self-centeredness hardens the human heart and robs it of the power to discern and be sensitive to the real needs of the world. This was not the case with Jesus Christ. In absolute selflessness, he demonstrated a discerning spirit that could identify the true state of those he encountered. Whilst all men saw multitudes going about their normal duties, he saw a people who were harassed, like sheep without a shepherd. He saw the risk the people were exposed to and was moved with compassion to intervene in their predicaments.

Where are the men who can see the harassment and fainting of fellowmen in this generation? Multitudes are caught up in this web of harassment and destruction. Beloved, a callous world is craving for true men, yes, men with tender hearts that can sense the ailments of the world and reach out to help. This ardent call goes to national, community, institutional, and family leadership. It is a call to restore both the divine and human life-enhancing touch to rescue the world from wickedness.

Compassion is a force that moves men into actions that produce positive outcomes. It begins when men see things as God sees them. Through the discerning power of the Holy Spirit, may we see beyond the cover-ups put up by men and zoom unto the uncertainties and unrests beyond the ‘veil’. This is only when the fountain of compassion will be activated within us to reach out and improve the lot of others. Christ demonstrated the way of compassion as an example for us to emulate. May we also permit compassion to drive our daily operations in life to enable us to touch and positively impact our world.

SHALOM 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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