Galatians 5. Verses 22-23 read:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law.
We are continuing our discussion on the fruit of the Spirit. Beloved, a life that is crafted after the Holy Spirit is decent, reflects God and makes the greatest impact on men. Whereas many applaud the virtues mentioned in the fruit of the Spirit, very few are able to apply themselves to it. There is a strong call on believers to lift up their standard of living to what the Holy Spirit represents and enables men to manifest. Today, we want to consider three more virtues mentioned in the fruit of the Spirit. They are:
- Longsuffering: The earthly terrain presents challenging situations to the sojourn of the believer. The general standards seen in the world oppose progress in the Christian faith. There are a myriad of hostilities against the believer. There are some of these hostilities that God will miraculously save his people from. However, there are others that men must endure for a lengthy period. Yes, the benefit derived from enduring them far outweigh skipping over them. This virtue, which is able to endure hostilities and still advance the purpose of God, is known as longsuffering. Without it, men will despair of the purpose of God. This virtue makes the believer defy all the odds that come his way through a persevering and persistent spirit. It is the holding on power the believer needs in very challenging and unpleasant times.
- Gentleness: This is the virtue of acting with circumspection and moderation. Where the virtue of gentleness is at work, anxiety, desperation, and erratic reactions are set aside. Gentleness positions men to turn to God in prayer during crisis. When men remain gentle in trying times, God comes through for them and intervenes on their behalf. Refer to Galatians 4 verses 5-6.
- Goodness: This refers to the art of doing good to others. Life is a God-given opportunity requiring men to utilise their God-given abilities for the service and benefit of others. In the practice of goodness, there is no holding back of divine resources and service to others. As men, we owe all we have and are to God. Hence, the need to utilise these resources to enhance the lot of those who lack them to turn around their predicaments. May we never hold back goodness. Goodness elevates Christianity from the level of religious creeds and rhetoric to the life-touching practices of giving, caring, supporting, and helping one another.
Through these virtues, men are well positioned to reach out and make positive impressions on the lives of men.
SHALOM 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏