Galatians 5. Verses 22-23 read:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such, there is no law.
From the discussion on the works of the flesh, Apostle Paul makes a dramatic switch to what he describes as the fruit of the Spirit, which is the exact opposite of the works of the flesh. The fruit of the Spirit attests to a life that is under the control of the Holy Spirit and reveals the character of Christ during his incarnation. The fruit of the Spirit is a combination of virtues that the Holy Spirit is able to produce in a life that is yielded to him. It describes the life God expects of his children. We want to consider three of these virtues today.
- Love: This is the expression of God’s nature of magnanimity towards his creation, especially man. One of the Greek words used in the New Testament to describe love is ‘agape’. ‘Agape’ refers to God’s kind of love. It is a love that is unconditional, not discriminatory, or shows favouritism, but it is generous and ever giving. In extending this love, men receive God’s forgiveness, pardon, cancellation of judgment, the extension of grace, and benevolence. Out of this benevolence flows God’s provision, care, and protection to men. By virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit, ‘agape’ love has been shed abroad in the hearts of believers. Refer to Romans 5 verse 5. Out of this deposit of love, God expects us to cultivate it and extend the same kind of love to our fellowmen.
- Joy: This refers to a heart of contentment and gratitude unto God. It is a heart that appreciates and celebrates God’s goodness regardless of the prevailing situations. A joyful heart is important because out of it, the believer finds strength to prevail in the face of frustrating situations. Refer to Nehemiah 8 verse 10. This joy is also the attitude through which men draw on God’s saving power. Refer Isaiah 12 verse 3.
- Peace: This refers to inner rest and tranquillity of heart and mind. The state of joy enables men to react rightly to the issues of life and extend goodwill to fellowmen. In the absence of this virtue, actions and reactions of men are offensive, divisive, and promote confusion. Peace is essential in achieving harmony and goodwill among men.
These virtues stabilise an individual’s life and enable men to reach out favourably with God’s goodness to others.
SHALOM 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏